Amrut, the pioneering Indian single malt whisky, stands as a source of pride for India, acclaimed as the recipient of numerous world awards owing to its exceptional and distinctive qualities, crafted at the Amrut Indian distillery. Even amidst the presence of various brands in the market like Indri, Ballantine, and Chivas Regal Scotch whiskies, the unparalleled essence of Amrut remains indescribable and unmatched.
Here is the Amrut Whisky Prices for variants like Fusion, Amalgam, and more in Delhi for the year 2025 across volumes such as 50ml and 750ml available throughout the city.
Amrut Whisky Price in Delhi
Brand Name | Size (ml) | Price (INR) in Delhi |
Amrut Amalgam Malt Whisky price | 60 | 295 |
Amrut Amalgam Malt Whisky price | 500 | 2445 |
Amrut Amalgam Malt Whisky price | 750 | 3675 |
Amrut fusion single malt whisky price | 50 | 400 |
Amrut fusion single malt whisky price | 750 | 4900 |
Amrut Cask Strength Single Malt Whisky Price | 50 | 450 |
Amrut Cask Strength Single Malt Whisky Price | 750 | 6140 |
Features and Business Values
Amrut, a distinguished single malt whisky, stands as a testament to liquid mastery and brilliance, epitomizing the finest craftsmanship in Indian distilleries. This revered spirit, originating from India and boasting a blend of malt and grains such as barley, wheat, and rye, signifies excellence in every sip.
Despite facing challenges in recent years, Amrut remains a significant player in Delhi’s whisky market, securing its spot as the 6th most sold brand. In 2023, an impressive 9 lac cases of this whisky were sold, marking an annual business turnover of $17.9 million in the city.