Blenders Pride whisky Price in Uttar Pradesh (UP) for the Year 2024

Blenders Pride whisky, renowned as one of this century’s top blended whiskies, holds a prestigious status as UP’s beloved royal drink, enhancing events and creating memorable moments. It has been a cornerstone of delightful experiences for my family and me in UP, courtesy of its easy availability and affordable pricing.

Blenders Pride whisky’s importance lies not only in its exceptional quality but also in its ability to enrich moments and elevate gatherings. Its accessible pricing ensures that the essence of this royal drink remains within reach, contributing significantly to its significance and popularity across Uttar Pradesh.

Blenders Pride Whisky Price

Brand Name Size Price in UP in INR
Price of Blenders Pride Exclusive Premium Whisky 90ML 35
Price of Blenders Pride Exclusive Premium Whisky 180ML 70
Price of Blenders Pride Exclusive Premium Whisky 375ML 135
Price of Blenders Pride Exclusive Premium Whisky 750ML 265
Price of Blenders Pride Exclusive Premium Whisky 1000ML 350
Price of Blenders Pride Exclusive Premium Whisky 2000ML 700
Price of Blenders Pride Reserve Collection Exclusive Whisky 180ML 80
Price of Blenders Pride Reserve Collection Exclusive Whisky 375ML 155
Price of Blenders Pride Reserve Collection Exclusive Whisky 750ML 310
Price of Blenders Pride Reserve Collection Exclusive Whisky 1000ML 400
Price of Blenders Pride Reserve Collection Exclusive Whisky 2000ML 800

Market Impact Across State

Blenders Pride whisky has garnered immense adoration in Uttar Pradesh (UP) due to the genuine affection locals have for it, reinstating its position in India’s whisky market. UP residents deeply value their indigenous whisky, consistently keeping it on their tables, thereby organically boosting its demand.

  • Peak Popularity: Achieved its peak in UP during 2018.
  • Government Tax: Faces a 30% government-imposed tax.
  • Local Market Rank: Stands as the 6th most selling whisky in UP as of 2023.
  • Post-COVID Growth: Experienced a 3% growth rate in UP over the last 3 years after COVID.
  • Sales in 2023: Sold approximately 1.1 million cases across UP.
  • Annual Business Turnover: Generates an annual business turnover of 22 million dollars in UP.

Available in various sizes—180ml, 375ml, 750ml, 1 liter, and 2 liters—the 750ml bottle remains the most sought-after size among consumers in UP. Blenders Pride’s steady popularity and local resonance underline its pivotal role in UP’s drinking culture and its consistent place in celebratory moments.

General Features 

  • Type of Whisky: Blenders Pride is a blended Scotch whisky.
  • Slogan: Known for its slogan “Make it Perfect.”
  • Alcohol Content: Contains 42.8% alcohol (85.6 proof).
  • Release Date: First introduced in 1995.
  • Raw Materials: Crafted from malted barley, grain, and water, originating from India at Pernod Ricard India Pvt. Ltd.’s distillery.
  • Number of Variants: Available in 5 variants.
  • Exported to Countries: Exports extend to 20 countries globally.
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I'm Arjun Kumar, a seasoned bartender. As a passionate liquor enthusiast, I've made a humble effort to provide the latest information on IMFL and FMLF.

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