Bombay Sapphire Gin Price in Mumbai for 2024

Bombay Sapphire Gin Price in Mumbai for the year 2024 is not now a guessed value after the huge impact of this gin brand in Mumbai. In the past few years, a dramatic movement has been seen toward gin in Mumbai City which somehow masks the Black label and other scotch whiskies crazyness, where no one even knows a little about gin. Here are the Bombay Sapphire Gin price, features, market value, and availability.

Variants and availability

Bombay Sapphire Gin is a distinguished English 20th-century sweet gin, celebrated for its sweet, mild taste and clean fragrance of lemon, juniper, and licorice. With an alcohol content of 47% and a proof of 94, this gin is supplied and distilled in India by Bacardi India (P) Ltd. Launched in May 1987, Bombay Sapphire Gin is crafted from a base of herbs and juniper berries, embodying the essence of English gin craftsmanship.

In India and Mumbai, Bombay Sapphire Gin offers a single variant, the Bombay Sapphire Distilled London Dry Gin, which has gained fame for its exceptional quality.

Market Impact and Annual Sales

In 2024, Bombay Sapphire Gin has established a robust presence in 19 Indian states, with Mumbai emerging as its highest-selling market. The brand gained notable fame in Mumbai in 2010, marking a significant milestone.

Despite facing a substantial government tax of 150%(which ultimately hiked the Bombay Sapphire Price in Mumbai), it proudly holds the 1st position in the local Mumbai-Maharashtra liquor market, particularly as the most-selling foreign gin. Over the last three years post-COVID, the brand has experienced remarkable growth, boasting a growth rate of 8.1 in Mumbai.

In 2023, government records indicate an impressive sale of 52,761 cases of Bombay Sapphire Gin in Mumbai, contributing to an annual business turnover of 52 crores in Indian rupees. The brand caters to diverse consumer preferences with its availability in volumes of 375 ml, 750 ml, 1000 ml, and 1750 ml, with the 750 ml bottle emerging as the most popular choice both in Mumbai and across India

Bombay Sapphire Gin Price in Mumbai

Brand Name Volume (ml) Price (INR) in Mumbai (2024)
Bombay Sapphire Gin Price in Mumbai 375 1200
Bombay Sapphire Gin Price in Mumbai 750 2300
Bombay Sapphire Distilled London Dry Gin Price 1000 2800
Bombay Sapphire Distilled London Dry Gin Price 1750 4500
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I'm Arjun Kumar, a seasoned bartender. As a passionate liquor enthusiast, I've made a humble effort to provide the latest information on IMFL and FMLF.

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