Golfers Shot Whisky Price in Bangalore (Karnataka) for the year 2025 is a most-asked market research question asked by the people of Bangalore simply to let them know how they should manage their pockets to have once this splendid whisky in their whisky cups. This scotch is available in various sizes—180 ml, 375 ml, 750 ml, and 1000 ml—across the city. Here is the detailed Golfers Shot Whisky Price in Bangalore for the year 2025 to all the possible volumes and variants available all over the city.
Golfers Shot Whisky Price Table
- Blended Golfers Shot Whisky Price in Bangalore (180ml): ₹500
- Blended Golfers Shot Whisky Price in Bangalore (375ml): ₹900
- Blended Golfers Shot Whisky Price in Bangalore (750ml): ₹1800
- Blended Golfers Shot Whisky Price in Bangalore (1000ml): ₹2400
Variants and Availability
Golfers Shot Whisky, introduced in March 2019, has swiftly gained recognition in the Indian whisky market with its unique dark chocolate taste profile and an alcohol content of 42.8% (proof 85.6). Owned by Alcobrew Distilleries India Pvt Ltd, the brand has its base in India and utilizes a blend of 30+ Indian base malts and imported Scotch whiskies as its raw materials.
In Bangalore, Karnataka, Golfers Shot Whisky has a single variant: the Golfers Shot Blend Whisky. Despite having only one variant, the brand has become renowned in Bangalore, especially in 2023, when it gained fame in the city.
Market Presence and Sales
The market presence of Golfers Shot Whisky extends to 20 Indian states in 2025, with the highest demand being observed in Karnataka. The government imposes an 83% tax on the brand, showcasing its popularity despite the tax burden. In terms of rankings, Golfers Shot Whisky holds the 19th position in the local Bangalore liquor market, considering both selling progress and expert reviews.
The brand has experienced impressive growth in the last 3 years after COVID-19, recording a growth rate of 7.1%. In 2023, Golfers Shot Whisky sold 80,000 cases in Bangalore, contributing to an annual business turnover of 9.12 crore Indian rupees.