Smoke Vodka Price in Bangalore for the year 2025 is a curious market research issue for the people of this amazing south city. This is available in various sizes—180 ml, 375 ml, and 750 ml—across the city, ensuring everyone can enjoy this cherished Indian Scotch blended Whisky.
Smoke Vodka, a classic Indian spirit known for its sweet and spicy notes, has become a timeless favorite with an alcohol content of 40% (85.6 proof). Crafted by the renowned distillery Smoke Lab Spirits Pvt. Ltd. since 2020, this exceptional vodka is made from carefully selected grains, offering a distinctive and high-quality drinking experience.
Number of Variants in India and Bangalore
Smoke Vodka prides itself on providing a diverse range of options, with three distinct variants available to cater to the discerning tastes of consumers. Each variant is a reflection of the brand’s commitment to quality and innovation.
Famous Variant in Bangalore and India
Standing out as a symbol of excellence, the Smoke Vodka 5 X Distilled Aniseed variant has garnered fame both in Bangalore and across India. Renowned for its fivefold distillation process and infused with the subtle yet distinctive essence of anise, this variant has become a favorite among vodka enthusiasts.
Smoke Vodka Price
Brand Name | Volume (ml) | Price (INR) in Bangalore |
5 X Distilled Aniseed Smoke Vodka Price in Bangalore | 60 | 330 |
5 X Distilled Aniseed Smoke Vodka Price in Bangalore | 750 | 4200 |
5 X Distilled Classic Smoke Vodka Price in Bangalore | 60 | 300 |
5 X Distilled Classic Smoke Vodka Price in Bangalore | 750 | 4050 |
Market Presence and Sales
As of 2025, Smoke Vodka maintains a presence in 21 Indian states, showcasing its popularity and availability across the nation. In Bangalore, Smoke Vodka secured its rank in 2022, solidifying its position as a prominent choice among consumers in the city.
The government imposes a significant 83% tax on Smoke Vodka, contributing to the fiscal landscape within which it operates. In the local Bangalore-Telangana liquor market, Smoke Vodka holds the impressive rank of the 3rd most-selling vodka brand, competing alongside Scottish whisky brands.
Despite the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, Smoke Vodka has demonstrated robust growth in Bangalore, with a remarkable 6.1% increase in sales over the past three years. According to government records, Smoke Vodka witnessed substantial sales in 2023, with 1.21 lakh cases sold throughout Bangalore, contributing significantly to its annual business turnover of 44.27 crore Indian rupees in the city.