Top 10 The Best Gin in India with Price: from Classic to Contemporary

Gin is the most iconic drink in India as it is a classic drink of classical gatherings in India. It is used for the preparation of colorful and special modern cocktails. The best gin in India is defined as an alcoholic drink highly distilled from grains and flavored with botanical ingredients, especially berries. This is one of the most desired cocktail manufacturers in the world due to its flavor profile.

There are more than 800 gin brands in the world, and in India, this number is 300. A few of them are Indian gins, and a few are exported. Among this huge number, it is a tough decision to choose the best gin. We carefully selected the 10 best gin brands in India for Indian consumers. Things need to be in a gin to meet the criteria for the best gin in India 

  • Balance and complexity
  • Affordability
  • Availability
  • Quality and botanical type
  • ABV Distillation Process
  • Smoothness and taste
  • Brand reputation
  • Packing

The hot summer of India with the best gin cocktails is an outstanding experience for anyone. In this article, we will disclose the best gin in India by adapting unique and modern criteria for selecting the best gin.

List of 10 of the Best Gin In India

Monkey 47: Unmatchable gin 

Monkey 47: Unmatchable gin 
Monkey 47: Unmatchable gin

Monkey 47 is one of the most popular gin brands of the world. Monkey 47 is the best gin in India in 2023 as it is made of 47 botanicals in a proper fixed ratio. It is a time to taste the real life with this gin. Monkey 47 is mostly considered as a drink of cocktails as it is used for the preparation of various cocktails.

Collins manufactured this luxury drink in 2006 in Germany. After its launching it became the first of the most cocktails lovers. There are seven different variants of monkey 47 in India which differ on the basis of alcohol content and flavor. Today, annual business of this grand gin in the world is more than 1 billion dollars. Monkey 47 is little bit expensive due to its high demand and less production. The cost of 500 ml bottle of monkey 47 in India is 5000 INR.

  • Alcohol content: 45-47% V/V
  • Price: INR 5000/500 ml
  • Origin: Germany
  • Taste: Smooth and botanicals (junipers)

Hapusa: The best Refresher gin 

Hapusa: The best Refresher gin 
Hapusa: The best Refresher gin

Hapusa is the best gin in India manufactured in the Goa by the Nao spirits company since 2017. It is considered to be the gin of future in India. Skill full method have been used to craft this splendid drink from the handpicked botanicals of Himalayas. This Himalayan herbal gin of India can be enjoyed with different kind of liquids.

There are limited number of Hapusa gin variants in Indian market as researcher are working on it. Last year, 1.6 million cases of Hapusa had been sold by the company in India. The suitable price for 700ml of Hapusa is 2500 INR in India.

  • Alcohol content: 43% V/V
  • Price: INR 2500/700 ml
  • Origin: India
  • Taste: Smooth, pine forest, wildflowers

Tanqueray: Finest Gin 

Tanqueray: Finest Gin 
Tanqueray: Finest Gin

Tanqueray gin of the Britain is considered to be the best gin in India due to its quality, botanical blend and flavor profile. The un matchable taste and supreme quality make this gin as the highest ranked cocktails gin in India. Tanqueray gin was crafted by an English man Tanqueray in 1830 in London.

There are three main variants of this best gin in India. they vary on the basis of taste and strength. 1.5 million cases had been sold in India in last year. The price for 700 ml bottle of this gin in India is 2500 INR

  • Alcohol content: 47.3% V/V
  • Price: INR 2500/700 ml
  • Origin: England
  • Taste: juniper and lemon taste 

Sip smith: Perfectly Balanced 

Sip smith
Sip smith

Sip smith is the best gin in India due to its smoother taste and premium quality. This is one of the highest selling brand gins in India in recent times. Different types of special botanicals have been used up for the complex smooth taste of gin. In 2009, first it was manufactured by the sipsmith distillery in United Kingdom.

There are four main variants of sipsmith in India. 1.2 million cases of sipsmith gin had been used up by the Indians last year. Price of this best gin in India for 700ml is 3000 INR.

  • Alcohol content: 41.6% V/V
  • Price: INR 3000/700 ml
  • Origin: United Kingdom
  • Taste: Smooth and citrusy

Jaisalmer: Taste the Indian culture 


For the inner thirst, Jaisalmer gin is the ultimate Indian gin. Jaisalmer is the best gin in India which is crafted by the most famous Radico Khaitn. This is the cultural and heritage gin brand of India. It is the best cocktails preparing drink of India. Different kinds of tasteful herbal cocktails prepared from this Gin.

There are three main variants of this brand till know in market. These are available within the range of 3500-4000INR for 750 ml bottle in India.

  • Alcohol content: 43% V/V
  • Price: INR 4000/750 ml
  • Origin: India
  • Taste: smooth junipers, citrus and spice

 Colombo No.7: True island gin 

Colombo No.7
Colombo No.7

Colombo No.7 is the best gin in India exported from the Sri Lanka for long. It has the real essence and beauty of Asia’s beautiful island. It is famous for its rich taste profile and smoothness. A sip of it with a Bollywood movie or in club in summer really makes the day worthful.

It has three main variants available in India although still it is new in market. Last year, half million cases had been picked up by the people from market which is quite encouraging for a new brand.

  • Alcohol content: 43.1% V/V
  • Price: INR 5000/750 ml
  • Origin: Sri Lanka
  • Taste: Smooth botanical

Bulldog: British Taste 

Bulldog: British Taste 
Bulldog: British Taste

Another best gin in India from the United Kingdom, has unique taste profile, quality and price. It is a bold and modern herbal drink of a common person in India. Its taste profile and craftsmanship’s are the two most significant reasons of its supremacy in Indian pubs and bars.

It is formulated by a bulldog British distillery since 2006 and achieved fame in 2019 after winning three consecutive awards. According to Indian governments statics 2 million cases of this best gin exported from the United Kingdom. It is one of the best drink which is affordable by a common man.

  • Alcohol content: 40% V/V
  • Price: INR 2500/750 ml
  • Origin: England
  • Taste: Smooth and Crispy

Bombay Sapphire: Craft your day with Bombay 

Bombay Sapphire
Bombay Sapphire

Discover the pleasure of life in hot days of India with Bombay sapphire. It is a one of the best gins in India that has no match in the world of gins. Its taste profile, exceptional smoothness, affordability and quality make it the best among the best in India.

In India, four different variants of this supreme gin exist with different features and profile. Its price for a full bottle is 2000 INR.

  • Alcohol content: 47% V/V
  • Price: INR 2000/750 ml
  • Origin: England
  • Taste: Exceptional Smooth and botanical 

 The Botanist: The botanical wonder

 The Botanist
The Botanist

The best among the youth of India is the Botanist Gin. It has unique taste profile that has been achieved through careful blend of handpicked Islay Island botanicals in formulated ratio. In India, it is considered to be the best Gin for cocktails and straight.

There are three main variants of this gin in India. for gin lovers, it is going to be first choice now a days due to its high quality, affordability and taste profile. The price for 700 ml bottle of the botanist gin is 3000 INR.

  • Alcohol content: 46% V/V
  • Price: INR 3000/700 ml
  • Origin: Islay
  • Taste: Smooth juniper and Mint

Gin mare: Mediterranean beauty 

Gin mare
Gin mare

Gin mare is the best gin in India that has the essence of Mediterranean’s costs botanicals. It is very carefully formulated by the proper ration mixing of herbaceous botanicals of Spain. For the real enjoyment of gin, take it with water and garnish it with lemon slice in ice filled glass.

Gin mare is especially healthy drink of Spain having three main variants. A huge development among the youth of India had been recorded who loved to take it on every occasions. Average price for 700ml bottle of this splendid gin in India is 4000INR.

  • Alcohol content: 42.7% V/V
  • Price: INR 4000/700 ml
  • Origin: Spain
  • Taste: Smooth and herbaceous

Gin Raw Material 

Gin is produced from the base alcohol distillated from grains, water, and botanicals. Botanicals are the main ingredient that makes it different from other spirits. Mostly juniper berries are used for flavoring, after which seeds, roots, herbs, and spices are commonly used for taste purposes. The ABV of the best gin in India usually lies between 40 and 50%.

History of Gin

The history of gin is as old as human civilization. Pioneer Indus, Mesopotamia civilizations used this product for health purposes around the world. The modern-day gin was distilled by the Dutch people in the 1600s, as they were masters of distillation at that time. They crafted this highly classified alcoholic beverage as a medicine and an affordable-quality alcoholic drink at that time. During the Dutch freedom war with England in 1665, gin was the pocket drink of Dutch soldiers and was the main source of mitigating the hardships of war with it.

The history of gin in India is 400 years old. The East India Company brought this drink to India for the first-time during Akbar’s time. British soldiers needed a fresh, refreshing drink to remember their time at home in the United Kingdom. They established distilleries in Kolkata and Mumbai in the 18th century for the preparation of their fresh-choice drinks in India.

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I'm Arjun Kumar, a seasoned bartender. As a passionate liquor enthusiast, I've made a humble effort to provide the latest information on IMFL and FMLF.

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